装置艺术--a-void (ymx2) | 空·间
installation geometry 装置的几何结构
Year | 年份: 2014
Location | 地点: Beijing, China | 中国,北京
Status | 状态: Completed | 建成
Type | 类型: installation | 装置
Program | 功能: exhibition | 展览
Size | 规模: 60 sqm | 60平米
Team | 团队: Chen Chen (陈忱), Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino, Liu Dong (刘动), Aniruddha Mukherjee, Alessandro Basile
installation zoom 装置近景
reMIX has been working on the renovation of Yangmeizhu 2 since 2013. As a result of the difficult and time consuming negotiation with the neighbours, the implementation of the project was consistently delayed so the fully renovated residential unit that was supposed to be exhibited in the 2014 Beijing Design Week resulted in an empty skeleton awaiting construction.
installation details 装置细部
In such conditions we decided to virtually reconstruct the future configuration of the building through a light installation of wireframe volumes. The different levels and the staircases that spiral around the main double-height space are rendered through the use of white rubber bands that glow in the semi-darkness of the room, only lit up by hidden UV lights.
installation details 装置细部
In the background one can still see the textures of the existing walls, eroded by time and humidity, creating an interesting dialogue between the past and the future of the building.
installation details 装置细部
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